

  • 产品名称:LINESENSE
  • 产品价格:240.00
  • 产品数量:200000
  • 保质/修期:1
  • 保质/修期单位:
  • 更新日期:2019-09-27

LINEESENSE. 17903517070bengpd Compatible with switch m uitable for us e in Hazardous ar using safety barriers General Rugged and durable co The sImple and proven technology of digital Linear Heat Detection(LHD) cable, makes it a product of choice fo Simple maintenance free installation difficult and challenging applications where other Small diameter and bend radiu technologies struggle to work FM Approved With it"s ease of installation and low maintenance provides a cost effective solution where project ApplicationS   expenditure requires to be kept at a minimum. Conveyors bearing protect The sensing cable is formed from a pair of twisted steel conductors each with ter tive insulation and then an overall Fluoropolyn When erature sensitie insulation reaches it"s petro-chemical storage tanks, rim seal ed alarm temperature the two conductors protection short together providing the digital or switched signal Cable tunnel tray pr The cable can be conn any unit capable of monitoring a switched
i.e. Conventional fire Road and rail tunnels panel, addressable switch unit or PLC The Fluoropolymer outer sleeve of the H9650 offers Road and rail motor compartmentS    excellent chemical and water resistance. allowing it to Electrical switch gear trans be deployed in harsh and dirty en Building extensors under ea Motor and pump overheat detection Dirty and dusty environments.   随着国家绿色节能产业标准的出台和应用,玻璃幕墙的监管真空需要从制度上和细节上尽快完善,才能避免发生更大程度的危险。“除了限定城市使用玻璃幕墙的区域,如住宅、医院、学校等容易造成人员伤亡的人口密集处应该禁止采用玻璃幕墙外,还应通过法律明确,建筑幕墙工程交付使用后,Linesense定制,专业的火警探测、报警设备,Linesense定制,进口火警探测、报警设备制造厂家,上海道夫自动化仪表工程有限公司,道夫自动化仪表工程,产权人必须委托专业机构定期进行安全性鉴定和维护。有关部门应尽快对既有玻璃幕墙建筑进行全面检查,Linesense定制,火警探测、报警设备,并贴上防爆膜,防止脱落伤人。”席时葭建议。   1997年制定的GA161-1997《防火封堵材料的性能要求和试验方法》行业标准在当时对规范该类产品的生产起到了积极作用,但在多年的使用中也发现该标准存在不少问题和局限,与国外先进标准相比存在较大差距,已不能适应技术进步和消防产品监督的需要,迫切需要进行全面修订和完善。GB23864-2009《防火封堵材料》国家标准的制定和发布实施使各类防火封堵材料有了统一的技术标准,对促进我国防火封堵材料产品的研发和应用,确保建筑物的防火安全具有重要作用。 LINEESENSE. 17903517070bengpd Compatible with switch m uitable for us e in Hazardous ar using safety barriers General Rugged and durable co The sImple and proven technology of digital Linear Heat Detection(LHD) cable, makes it a product of choice fo Simple maintenance free installation difficult and challenging applications where other Small diameter and bend radiu technologies struggle to work
FM Approved With it"s ease of installation and low maintenance provides a cost effective solution where project ApplicationS   expenditure requires to be kept at a minimum. Conveyors bearing protect The sensing cable is formed from a pair of twisted steel conductors each with ter tive insulation and then an overall Fluoropolyn When erature sensitie insulation reaches it"s petro-chemical storage tanks, rim seal ed alarm temperature the two conductors protection short together providing the digital or switched signal Cable tunnel tray pr The cable can be conn any unit capable of monitoring a switched i.e. Conventional fire Road and rail tunnels panel, addressable switch unit or PLC The Fluoropolymer outer sleeve of the H9650 offers Road and rail motor compartmentS    excellent chemical and water resistance. allowing it to Electrical switch gear trans be deployed in harsh and dirty en Building extensors under ea Motor and pump overheat detection Dirty and dusty environments.

注册时间: 2001-01-19
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