

  • 产品名称:LINESENSE
  • 产品价格:240.00
  • 产品数量:200000
  • 保质/修期:1
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  • 更新日期:2019-09-27

H9650bao警温度:200~240℃. H9650火线 两芯开关量感温电缆是一种两芯及采用“开/关”式原理设计的温感探测电缆。当内置的两芯导线于预设的温度时受热溶解便会形成电缆短路并bao警。感温电缆的开路故障状态可采用线尾电阻原理由bao警控屏监控。 产品已获UL和FM认证. File Stops Historical Versions Star Files Docs 0 Team Docs Word Translation Hsiu-Hsintom h5 Cloud Editor Full-Text Source inesense 179035170708eng. Pdf xh9650linesenselinear heat detection (lhd (240 ° c, 464 ° f nomina) fire detection ltdfeaturessImple digital switch >operation continuously sensing along the total length of the elementixed alarm temperature. unaffectedby changes in ambient temperaturecompatible with switch monitoringunits and conventional alarm panels.suitable for use in hazardous areasusing safety barierschemical water resistantgeneralfluoropolymer outer sleeve the sImple and proven technology of digital linear heatrugged and durable construction. detaction ( >lhd) cable, makes it a product of choice forsImple maintenance free installation and challenging applications where othertechnologies struggle to work.small diameter and bend radius with it"s ease of installation and low maintenance it alsofm approvedprovides a cost effective solution where projectexpenditure requires to be kept at a >minim >umapplicationsthe sensing cable is formed from a pair of twisted steelconveyors / bearing protectionconductors each with temperature sensitive insulationand then an overall fluoropolymer outer sleeve. whenescalators, moving walkways. the temperature sensitive insulation reaches it"spetro- chenstorage tanks, rim seal H9650bao警温度:200~240℃. H9650火线 两芯开关量感温电缆是一种两芯及采用“开/关”式原理设计的温感探测电缆。当内置的两芯导线于预设的温度时受热溶解便会形成电缆短路并bao警。感温电缆的开路故障状态可采用线尾电阻原理由bao警控屏监控。 产品已获UL和FM认证. File Stops Historical Versions Star Files Docs 0 Team Docs Word Translation Hsiu-Hsintom h5 Cloud Editor Full-Text Source inesense 179035170708eng. Pdf xh9650linesenselinear heat detection (lhd (240 ° c, 464 ° f nomina) fire detection ltdfeaturessImple digital switch
>operation continuously sensing along the total length of the elementixed alarm temperature. unaffectedby changes in ambient temperaturecompatible with switch monitoringunits and conventional alarm panels.suitable for use in hazardous areasusing safety barierschemical water resistantgeneralfluoropolymer outer sleeve the sImple and proven technology of digital linear heatrugged and durable construction. detaction ( >lhd) cable, makes it a product of choice forsImple maintenance free installation and challenging applications where othertechnologies struggle to work.small diameter and bend radius with it"s ease of installation and low maintenance it alsofm approvedprovides a cost effective solution where projectexpenditure requires to be kept at a
>minim >umapplicationsthe sensing cable is formed from a pair of twisted steelconveyors / bearing protectionconductors each with temperature sensitive insulationand then an overall fluoropolymer outer sleeve. whenescalators, moving walkways. the temperature sensitive insulation reaches it"spetro- chenstorage tanks, rim seal 2017年11月14日下午,在深圳光明新区新羌社区美盈森工业园区举办了印刷企业消防安全应急演练,文体教育局郭峰局长,消防监督管理大队大队长陈朝晖,原装Linesense,图片火警探测、报警设备,各办事处、安监局、公安消防大队相关负责人以及印刷行业负责人共300余人参加演练及现场观摩。演习结束后,新区文体教育局局长郭峰对演练进行点评,指出演练中存在的不足,并要求新区印刷企业要做好冬春的火灾防控工作,开展安全隐患排查,原装Linesense,专业的火警探测、报警设备制造厂家,落实企业主体责任,加强对员工的消防知识培训,进一步提高企业消防安全管理能力。   记者21日晚上从珠海市公安消防支队获悉,当天傍晚,上海道夫自动化仪表工程有限公司,道夫自动化仪表工程,位于珠海大道南屏屏北三路和屏北五路交汇处的一家印刷厂发生火灾,现场浓烟冲天,有3人受伤。  本次火灾地点位于大楼四、五楼,原装Linesense,服务商火警探测、报警设备,据目击者透露,发生火灾的时间在16点50分前后,当时先听到一声巨响,然后就看到窗口冒着浓烟,火光冲天。  据了解,现场有两人被烟呛伤,有一人急于逃生直接从楼上跳下,摔倒在屋子后面,消防人员在草丛中发现伤者。目前,三人均已被送到医院。  目前消防人员还在现场施救,初步怀疑是煤气爆炸。责任编辑:魏盼

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