

  • 产品名称:H9650
  • 产品价格:358.00
  • 产品数量:300000
  • 保质/修期:1
  • 保质/修期单位:
  • 更新日期:2019-09-27

DIGITAL LINEAR HEAT DETECTION PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS KIDDE ALARMLINE Linear Heat Detection System POINT OF RISK MONITORING BENEFITS I Detection at point of Alarmline Linear Heat Detection (LHD) cable-based systems provide economical temperature monitoring at the precise point of risk. The system is reliable, flexible and has the ability to detect abnormal temperature variances before fire breaks out. Kidde Fire Protection"s comprehensive LHD product portfolio allows a vast range of commercial and industrial fire and overheat risks to be protected, in ambient temperatures of -65 to +238°C risk I Continuois operation within the most adverse environmental Combined cable and detector APPLICATIONS
1 Electrical and mechanical flexibility Cable tunnels Cable tray installations at power stations, airport terminals and railway station complexes can I Internationally proven be protected by the local installation of Alarmline sensor cables above and below traywork. Fire detection performance is unaffected by adverse environments and response times are potentially less than 10 seconds. I Integration with central fire control systems Floating roof tanks The petrochemical industry requires that fires in these tanks caused by the ignition of combustible gases are extinguished in a short time frame. A rim seal Alarmline instalation will provide enhanced detection of fire allowing an appropriate rapid extinguishing response Conveyors Overheated bearings on conveyor beit support rollers can be rapidly detected. Additional Alarmline protection can be provided above and below the belt, against spillage and the transportation of ignited material Bulk storage Alarmline In-rack protection at multiple levels ensures rapid fire detection. As part of a pre- action system, an advance warning of imminent sprinkler opera water damage to stored goods tion may avoid unnecessary Rail locomotives/rolling stock The flexibility of linear heat detect   本公司生产及销售的防爆工具有360余个系列、5600多个规格。按日本标准JISM7002-96和中国标准GB10686-89检验,合格率100%。该产品能有效的防止工具与工作物相互摩擦。撞击时产生的可燃性爆 炸、确保国家财产和人身安全。广泛用于石油、化工、防恐怖、防磁场、煤矿、采油、采气、油气管道、发电、冶金、航空、储运、制药、制气、塑料、化纤、皮革、烟火、爆竹等行业。公司生产的高档钢制特种工具有60多个系列,1200多个规格。产品符合国家标准GB/T4388-4395-1995。敲击类工具设计完全符合德国DIN7444、DIN133标准。   上海金盾是科技先导型企业,坚持以核心技术打造核心竞争力。公司拥有一支掌握核心技术的专业技术人才队伍,上海道夫自动化仪表工程有限公司,道夫自动化仪表工程,其中中高级以上职称人员达70多人,硕士、博士学历10多人。上海金盾与国内多所著名高校建立科技战略合作关系,结成产学研联盟,优质H9650定制,优质火警探测、报警设备出售,完成了多项国家及上海市高新技术产品产业化推进项目,优质H9650定制,正品火警探测、报警设备制造商,公司共获发明专利、实用新型、外观专利等20多项。公司研发技术中心积极致力于各行业领域消防技术的研究和突破,针对不同的用户,提供针对性、专属性的消防技术和产品,为用户提供一站式消防安全整体解决方案。目前,上海金盾的产品广泛应用于消防部队、民用建筑领域及石油石化、中海油、造船、移动通讯、隧道交通、烟草、电力等专业行业市场。

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