

  • 产品名称:LINESENSE
  • 产品价格:240.00
  • 产品数量:200000
  • 保质/修期:1
  • 保质/修期单位:
  • 更新日期:2019-09-27

LINESENSE.179035170708eng,pdf×+ Alarm te 240° ix amb temperature 200°c Min operating temperature 20 Mechanical Outside Diameter 3.5mr Colour Number of co 2 Core diameters Core colours Black and white Minimum bend radius 50mm( Cold store 100mm) 24.0kg/Km on the reel ght of reel typically 2kg) ohms/Km@20° 45 PF to 130 PF Voltage rating 0.74 UH to 1.3 UH 110vdc 1amp Time to detect small flame 20 sec(Flame touching) Ordering Inform scription 51100240 H9650 sensing cable 240"C Alarm temperature
Fluoropolymer (ordered by the me Optional 52100001 52100002 dli-2k Digital Location Interface 2km 52101-001 dli-10k Digital Location Interface 10km 53000001 DIM Digital Interface Module Portable test oven 1m H9650bao警温度:200~240℃. H9650火线 两芯开关量感温电缆是一种两芯及采用“开/关”式原理设计的温感探测电缆。当内置的两芯导线于预设的温度时受热溶解便会形成电缆短路并bao警。感温电缆的开路故障状态可采用线尾电阻原理由bao警控屏监控。 产品已获UL和FM认证. File Stops Historical Versions Star Files Docs 0 Team Docs Word Translation Hsiu-Hsintom h5 Cloud Editor Full-Text Source inesense 179035170708eng. Pdf xh9650linesenselinear heat detection (lhd (240 ° c, 464 ° f nomina) fire detection ltdfeaturessImple digital switch >operation continuously sensing along the total length of the elementixed alarm temperature. unaffectedby changes in ambient temperaturecompatible with switch monitoringunits and conventional alarm panels.suitable for use in hazardous areasusing safety barierschemical water resistantgeneralfluoropolymer outer sleeve the sImple and proven technology of digital linear heatrugged and durable construction. detaction ( >lhd) cable, makes it a product of choice forsImple maintenance free installation and challenging applications where othertechnologies struggle to work.small diameter and bend radius with it"s ease of installation and low maintenance it alsofm approvedprovides a cost effective solution where projectexpenditure requires to be kept at a >minim >umapplicationsthe sensing cable is formed from a pair of twisted steelconveyors / bearing protectionconductors each with temperature sensitive insulationand then an overall fluoropolymer outer sleeve. whenescalators, moving walkways. the temperature sensitive insulation reaches it"spetro- chenstorage tanks, rim seal
  2012年12月31日,在13年来临前的一天,苏州市相城区领导班子一行莅临苏州吉人漆业有限公司考察慰问。相城区副区长钱志华率区总工会、监察局、住建局、商务局、卫生局、安监局、公安分局、工商局、质监局、消防大队、交巡警大队等有关部门的相关负责人一同到访吉人漆业。吉人漆业董事长吉伟、总经理吉富华、董事长助理兼行政中心主任刘长青接待来访领导,原装Linesense出售,正品火警探测、报警设备制造厂家,考察团首先参观了吉人漆业的生产车间,并与一线生产工人亲切交谈,询问工作情况和生活情况。随后对企业的仓储物流、办公环境和形象展厅一一参观了解。 苹果iPhone5S拥有着4英寸屏幕,单手操作毫无压力,堪称小手女神的福利,且小巧精致的外观更是惹人瞩目,同时该机在性能上面也丝毫不输当前旗舰,64位框架A7处理器使得苹果5S 走在众多旗舰之前,各种应用以及大型游戏畅爽玩,目前该机32G大容量版本售价1599元,需要的朋友可以入手。▲苹果 iPhone 5S  苹果 iPhone 5S搭载了全新的64位A7处理器,M7协处理器,原装Linesense出售,服务商火警探测、报警设备,原装Linesense出售,优购火警探测、报警设备,iOS 7操作系统,配以1GB运行内存。性能足以确保目前所有的iOS应用都能获得流畅的操控体验,配备800万像素背照式CMOS镜头,上海道夫自动化仪表工程有限公司,道夫自动化仪表工程,具备F2.2大光圈,并且采用双闪光灯,拍摄功能优秀。[品牌型号]苹果iphone 5s 32G[价格]:1599元[主要参数]:标准配置,赠送充电宝,手机防爆膜,防摔壳,剪卡器[网店名称]:达欣手机商城[联系人]:陈绅[商家电话]:17075134807[联系 QQ]: 2179024145[店铺地址]:南京市玄武区丹凤街鱼市街手机城 1楼 A1268 档口[交易方式] 支持实体交易 网上交易顺丰包邮 全国货到付款服务现货销售(验完货满意后再付款,安全又放心

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