

  • 产品名称:105℃感温电缆LHD2
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 产品数量:100000
  • 保质/修期:1
  • 保质/修期单位:
  • 更新日期:2019-09-27


Alarmline II Digital LHD Cable 105°C (221°F) w/ Nylon Sheath - 1000m


cUL/UL 521 approved

Up to 3000m (10,000ft per zone)

Detection along total cable length

Optional extrusions for different environments

SImple maintenance free installation

Suitable for use in hazardous areas

RoHS Compliant


The AD105N-1000 is a Digital Linear Heat Detection (LHD) cable with

a 105°C (221°F) fixed temperature activation rating. It has a Nylon

sheath that provides additional UV protection and increased durability

for external applications and is supplied in 1000m lengths.

The AD range of digital sensor cables provides a very sImple fixed

temperature heat detection system which can be used in many

applications where other forms of detection are not suitable.


The AD range of digital LHD cables contains a pair of twisted, low

resistance, tri-metallic conductors sheathed with advanced

temperature sensitive polymers. The cable operates by softening the

insulation of the conductors, the tension of the twisted conductors then


causes the two cores to fuse together. The sensor cable provides a

sImple switch operation which when used with a combination of end-ofline

(EOL) monitoring and alarm trigger resistors can signal an alarm

to any fire monitoring equipment through any monitored input i.e.

conventional detection zone or addressable interface unit.

Location Control Unit

Additional to the LHD sensor cable, an optional digital location control

unit which monitors the sensor cable and can identify along the length

of the sensor cable where an alarm condition has occurred, is also


Cable fixings for all applications

A range of "edge" ,"A" , "P" , and "T" clips allow the cable to be properly

installed. The clips provide heat insulation as well as holding the cable

at the correct distance from cable trays, steel works, ceilings and



The AD range of digital LHD cables contains a pair of twisted, low

resistance, tri-metallic conductors sheathed with advanced

temperature sensitive polymers. The cable operates by softening the

insulation of the conductors, the tension of the twisted conductors then

causes the two cores to fuse together. The sensor cable provides a

sImple switch operation which when used with a combination of end-ofline

(EOL) monitoring and alarm trigger resistors can signal an alarm

to any fire monitoring equipment through any monitored input i.e.

conventional detection zone or addressable interface unit.

Location Control Unit

Additional to the LHD sensor cable, an optional digital location control

unit which monitors the sensor cable and can identify along the length

of the sensor cable where an alarm condition has occurred, is also


Cable fixings for all applications

A range of "edge" ,"A" , "P" , and "T" clips allow the cable to be properly

installed. The clips provide heat insulation as well as holding the cable

at the correct distance from cable trays, steel works, ceilings and


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