

  • 产品名称:铸铁管
  • 产品价格:面议
  • 产品数量:10000
  • 保质/修期:1
  • 保质/修期单位:
  • 更新日期:2020-09-19

涂层整洁、美观、无毒、无味、不污染介质,符合卫生许可要求 安阳市永通铸管有限公司地处素有“甲骨文之乡”美称的中华七大古都---安阳,知名铸铁管价格,是具有40多 年历史的国家特大型企业---安阳市永通球墨铸铁管有限公司,是一座高起点、高标准、高质量的现代化
企业,引进具有二十一世纪先进水平的流水生产线,知名铸铁管价格,安阳市永通铸管有限公司,A永通铸管A,可年产DN80--1200mm球墨铸铁管及管件25万吨,产 品接口形式有T型、N1型、S型,可供各类用户自主选择;防腐措施采用外喷锌和无毒无害涂料、内衬水 泥等多种处理方式 铸管原料选用安阳市永通铸管有限公司的球磨铸造适用生铁,知名铸铁管价格,其具有低P、低S、低Ti等特点,被国内大型精密铸造企业普遍采用,并远销美洲、亚洲、欧洲等十多个国家和地区铸铁管用于给水、排水和煤气输送管线,它包括铸铁直管和管件 铸铁管(Cast Iron Pipe),用铸铁浇铸成型的管子产品广泛应用于供水、供气等诸多行业

(2)For the bottled goods water with various, water of various functions is distinguished, proceed from national conditions at the same time , Ministry of Construction made CJ94- 1 999 the sector standard and already implemented since March 1 , 2000。
Since one period, various water goods have flooded the market。 Drink what water fine , what water favorable to 7 health opinions vary , unable to decide which is right。
It is believed that Issue and implementation help the high without being occupied and last quality the developments normals of the water supply projects life drinking water pipeline。
By 5 Ministry of Construction that unit undertake, Architecture Design Institute, Tsing-Hua University,etc。 of Chinese, " building and residential community high-quality drinking water supply technology>, scientific research task finish, besides water standard achievement described above, craft and water purification machine develop , automatically control , design second flow formula derive and set up , pipe , pipe fittings ,etc。
make the conspicuous achievement by systematically systematically in purification。
(3)State Science and Technology Commission, Ministry of Construction set up the subject for research of " building (inhabit ) state investigating and analysing and water pollution route of water quality in the district ", and has made the positive achievement。
According to polluting the research of the route , adopt the concrete measure of preventing the drinking water secondary pollution of life as follows, it is one of the subject achievements。
① Eliminate the armored concrete and stencil plate water tank 。 Recommend using FRP water tank , enamelled pressed steel water tank , stainless steel water tank and compound stencil plate water tank 。
Hold the water tank of new hygiene of closing the water tank , inflating the airtight water tank etc。 automatically again on the market at present。
② In order to reduce the secondary pollution route , recommend adopting frequency conversion to adjust the water -supply system of the speed, cancel the traditional high-order water tank 。
③ Such as conditions permit, recommend doing from municipal administration and in charge of absorbing water directly, adopt frequency conversion to adjust the water -supply system of the speed, cancel the storage cistern , not only has fully utilized municipal administration to support the strength of water pressure but also dispelled pollution sources two times of water。
④ Recommend selecting the support equipment of water quality for use, such as getting
3。 Positively develops the new tubing, the fitting research and the promotion
Constructs in the housing the feed water pipe to use the tradition to galvanize the steel pipe to have the nearly hundred years history, galvanized the steel pipe to make the prominent contribution to the Chinese running water profession development。
But along with economical swift and violent development, people"s quality of life enhances unceasingly, also day by day enhances to the running water water quality request。
The people to the running water "the red water", "Heilongjiang River" and so on the phenomenon reflection are intense。 Causes the main reason which the pipe network water quality worsens is in the building the feed water pipe rusts away seriously。
The cold galvanizing steel pipe general service life does not rust away to Ia, the hard fishy smell is serious。 Knew from in the individual user water cock water sample analysis chemical examination that, the bacterium total, the large intestine bacteria colony seriously exceeds the allowed figure, the inhabitant sues in abundance to the government department, creates one kind of social problem。
Before 1980s, the construction (housing) in the drainage channel mainly uses the hand jig to receive inserts the draining water cast iron pipe, this tubing production method labor intensity big, production efficiency low, the product quality is bad, affects the peripheral environment quality, also is the social question which urgently needs to govern。
In view of the fact that the above situation, the ministry of construction, the national Economic and Trade Committee, the national quality engineering supervision bureau and the national chemistry building materials bureau jointly promulgated in December, 1999 "has constructed the housing (1 999 ] 295" the article , in the article stipulated: Gets up from June 1, 2000, in the cities newly built housing, the elimination sand mold casting discharge pipe uses in the room the drainage channel, the promotion applies the hard polyvinyl-chloride (PVC □U) the plastic discharge pipe and conforms to (GB/T12772 □1,999) the flexible connection mechanism to cast iron the discharge pipe; The prohibition use cold galvanizing steel pipe uses in the room the feed water pipe, and according to the local actual situation time limit elimination galvanizing by dipping steel pipe, promotes gradually using the aluminum models the multiple-unit tube, the junction association polyethylene (PE □X) the tube, three random copolymerization polypropylene (PP □R) the tube and so on the new tubing。
Follows this policy appearing, in the market also emerges the many kinds of tubing, like the thin-walled brass tube, the thin wall stainless steel pipe, PVC □U, CPVC, PE, HDPE, PE □X, PAP, PP □H, PP □B, PP □R, PB, ABS, FRP, each kind of steel model the multiple-unit tube and the flexible draining water cast iron pipe and so on。
Each kind of tubing country divided into rival baronies, keeps pace with。 With new tubing necessary pipe connection, variety many, structure and selection respectively different, each Technical the Ex~h~nge I technology hands over the flower bud the factory quality to be irregular。
Each kind of new tubing and the fitting although have the good development opportunity, but under the market economy condition, whether they maintains the formidable vitality the Fh building materials market examination。

注册时间: 2006-09-15
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