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*煤* 铸造增碳用*煤

品牌: 绿锦
单价: 790.00元/吨
起订: 1 吨
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2020-01-06 18:51
浏览次数: 353

发热量 :请咨询客服

货号 :6389

产地 :荥阳

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用途 :炼焦煤

* :绿锦



















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地    址:中国河南郑州荥阳市中原西路五洲城A7区-1026号


Introduction of anthracite coal

Anthracite commonly known as red white coal or coal; Is the largest degree of coalification coal. Volatile anthracite fixed carbon content is high, the low production rate, density, high hardness, high flash point, do not smoke during burning. Black hard, metallic luster. As fat friction does not stain, fracture into conchoidal, burns, short flame and smoke less. No coking. General carbon content over 90%, volatiles below 10%. No glue layer thickness. Calorific value of about 8000-8500 kcal/kg.

Anthracite is a special mineral, selected from a deep well with the carbon content of the highest percentage. Water filter material Anthracite filter material is the best filter material widely used. It is widely used, adapted to large range. Can be used for drinking water and industrial water and all kinds of ordinary fast filter pool type. Double and three layer filter, all kinds of sewage filter, mechanical filter water purification and chemical industry, metallurgy, thermal power, pharmacy, paper making, printing and dyeing, food, etc before and after the production of water treatment.


Anthracite coal properties

Anthracite is a high degree of coalification of coal and low volatile, big density, high flash point, unbonded, burns more not smoke; Bituminous coal is coalification degree higher than that of lignite and lower than that of anthracite coal, its characteristic is volatile yield range is big, separate from coking to strong coking are coking, burning smoke. Volatile is an important index of coal classification. The volatile matter of coal reflects the coal metamorphic grade, volatile from big to small, the metamorphic degree of coal from small to large. Such as volatile as much as 70% in the peat, lignite is 40 ~ 60% commonly, bituminous coal, generally is 10 ~ 50%, high metamorphism anthracite is less than 10%. Used for all kinds of industrial boiler and heating, coal types are divided into: pulverized coal, 12 lump coal, lump coal, lump coal, 38 25 in charcoal and charcoal, can according to customer's different boiler and using methods recommended applicable and reduce the cost for the customer.


Anthracite used

Anthracite coal is the main application of chemical fertilizer (nitrogen, ammonia), ceramics, the manufacturing of forging; Anthracite used in blast furnace is mainly used in metallurgical industry injection (injection in the blast furnace coal mainly includes anthracite, lean coal, lean coal and gas coal); Anthracite coal is mainly used for chain boiler, hand burning boiler, gas coal and fat coal, agriculture, anthracite is suitable for chemical plants, paper mills, the characteristic, breweries, copper factory, fertilizer plant, brick factory and slaughterhouses and so on.

1, the power generation from coal: about more than one third of the coal used for power generation in China, the current generation of standard coal consumption of coal with an average of 370 g/(kW · h). Power plant using the calorific value of coal, the thermal energy into electric energy.

2, vehicle coal: steam engine power coal accounted for about 2%, steam locomotive boiler coal consumption index for an average of 100 kg/ten thousand tons (km).

3 coal, building materials: l0 % above, of power coal in cement coal is the largest, followed by glass, brick, tile, etc.

4, general industrial boiler coal: in addition to the thermal power plants and large heating boiler, general enterprises and various types of industrial boiler for heating, the number of large and scattered, coal accounts for about 30% of the steam coal.

Coal: 5, life is larger, the number of coal accounts for about 20% of the fuel from coal.

6 coal, metallurgical, power, metallurgical, thermal coal, mainly for sintering and injection in the blast furnace using anthracite, its dosage is less than 1% of power coal.



Xingyang green brocade activated carbon co., LTD

Sales manager: hsiao-yi Yang

Contact phone number: 15038231125

Mail box: 3408306675 @qq.com

Address: zhengzhou in henan province xingyang zhongyuan road west district A7 wuzhou city - 1026







邮    箱:[email protected] 

地    址:中国河南郑州荥阳市中原西路五洲城A7区-1026号


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