

  • 产品名称:H9650
  • 产品价格:358.00
  • 产品数量:300000
  • 保质/修期:1
  • 保质/修期单位:
  • 更新日期:2019-09-27

DIGITAL LINEAR HEAT DETECTION PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS KIDDE ALARMLINE Linear Heat Detection System POINT OF RISK MONITORING BENEFITS I Detection at point of Alarmline Linear Heat Detection (LHD) cable-based systems provide economical temperature monitoring at the precise point of risk. The system is reliable, flexible and has the ability to detect abnormal temperature variances before fire breaks out. Kidde Fire Protection"s comprehensive LHD product portfolio allows a vast range of commercial and industrial fire and overheat risks to be protected, in ambient temperatures of -65 to +238°C risk I Continuois operation within the most adverse environmental Combined cable and detector
APPLICATIONS 1 Electrical and mechanical flexibility Cable tunnels Cable tray installations at power stations, airport terminals and railway station complexes can I Internationally proven be protected by the local installation of Alarmline sensor cables above and below traywork. Fire detection performance is unaffected by adverse environments and response times are potentially less than 10 seconds. I Integration with central fire control systems Floating roof tanks The petrochemical industry requires that fires in these tanks caused by the ignition of combustible gases are extinguished in a short time frame. A rim seal Alarmline instalation will provide enhanced detection of fire allowing an appropriate rapid extinguishing response Conveyors Overheated bearings on conveyor beit support rollers can be rapidly detected. Additional Alarmline protection can be provided above and below the belt, against spillage and the transportation of ignited material Bulk storage Alarmline In-rack protection at multiple levels ensures rapid fire detection. As part of a pre- action system, an advance warning of imminent sprinkler opera water damage to stored goods tion may avoid unnecessary Rail locomotives/rolling stock The flexibility of linear heat detect   半个多世纪以来,赛多利斯工业技术一直在不断创新和改进称量技术,始终走在称量技术发展的最前沿。目前,赛多利斯工业称重产品遍布各个领域,既有在欧莱雅洗发香波生产线上,相对精度达到20万分之一的配料系统,也有单只量程高达500吨的柱式传感器——被BASF公司用在世界各地的巨型料仓上;既有用于诺华制药疫苗生产线上最高洁净环境、满足卫生设计要求的IF不锈钢超薄台秤;也有随Jules Verne号运载火箭进入国际空间站的防爆工业秤和传感器。   防爆专业人才的匮乏是阻碍防爆行业发展的重要因素,我国防爆行业与其他安防行业相比,人才缺乏的矛盾尤为突出,全行业按从业人员比例,专业技术人员占从业人员的比例不到十分之一,有的企业仅为百分之几。凝聚人才、尊重人才、用好人才是企业锻造优秀员工团队和提升核心竞争力的关键因素。市场竞争说到底是人才的竞争。企业引不来、留不住人才,会严重影响防爆监控企业的产品研发,优质H9650制造商,诚信经营火警探测、报警设备,也会阻碍防爆企业的发展。缺乏专业技术人员,导致企业整体发展进度缓慢,也影响了防爆监控行业的技术进步。 2013年06月18日下午,武汉市汉口青年路范湖段发生惊险一幕,优质H9650制造商,原装火警探测、报警设备出售,一辆585路公交车在青年路发生自燃,引发大火,车上数十名乘客紧急逃生,所幸未造成人员伤亡。下午3时14分,一辆车牌为鄂A·HQ098的585路公交车沿青年路由南向北行驶至金盾大酒店门前,突然从尾部发动机处蹿出火苗,并迅速蔓延,整车乘客万分惊恐,司机立即靠边停车,打开车门疏散人员。外出执行任务,优质H9650制造商,进口火警探测、报警设备,途经现场的武汉市消防支队警官舒俊、赵晖,发现险情立即组织抢险。舒俊一边引导全车乘客安全疏散,上海道夫自动化仪表工程有限公司,道夫自动化仪表工程,一边指挥现场群众报警,同时从附近商铺借来数具灭火器灭火。下午3时40分,明火全部扑灭,无人员伤亡。

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